Hanakotoba Application 
Hanakotoba is an accessory/fashion shop that sells an assortment of  beauty items, helped to spice up your everyday fashion looks. Below is an application to our shop in which is needed to be filled out before being considered for a position. 
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Section 1: OOC Information - Fill in the following section with information used within your OOC knowledge. 
What name would you prefer to be called?: *
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What's your IGN?: *
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What is your discord?: *
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Timezone?: *
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Any previous warns/bans?: *
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How active are you? *
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Not really active/Hardly get on
Super active/Gets on for multiple hours a day
What is your motivation for wanting to apply here specifically?: *
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Do you understand that you don't attend at least 2 openings throughout the month that you will be fired?: *
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