Parent - Wednesday Exit Ticket
Hello Families!

Thank you to your student for participating in yesterday's remote learning day!

Please answer the following questions.

Mr. Morrison and our faculty will review this feedback to understand and improve your student's remote learning experience. We will remove identifiable information during our educator team review.

Thank you,
Mr. Morrison
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
What grade are your student(s) in? *
Did you attend Mr. Morrison's FAMILY MEET Wednesday morning? *
What days/times would be better to attend a FAMILY MEET by the principal? Check all that would apply. *
Did your student read Mr. Morrison's email prior to the start of the day? *
How would you rate your access to reliable internet on Wednesday? *
It's awful! Help!
Great! It is reliable
Overall, please rate your satisfaction with your student's experience with our pilot remote Wednesday. *
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied!!
What did your student say about their learning opportunities from today?
How many hours was your student(s) on a screen for school today?
Auswahl löschen
Did your student experience any computer fatigue towards the end of the day? *
How easy was it for your student(s) to join the correct Google Meets throughout the day?
Auswahl löschen
How would you rate the educational value of this Wednesday remote day? *
Compared to the other Wednesdays what did you think about yesterday's offerings?
Any suggestions for improvement?
Anything else you would like Mr. Morrison to know about your student's experience today?
Alle Eingaben löschen
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Lamoille South Supervisory Union erstellt. Missbrauch melden