Race For Life 5km for Cancer Research UK
Woolmer Hill will Race for Life on Tuesday 19th July at 3.45pm approx. finish 4.30 - 5.00pm.
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メールアドレス *
Student's Surname *
Student's First Name *
Year Group *
Tutor Group *
I confirm that I agree for my child to participate in the Race for Life 5km event *
I would like to come along and spectate and support on the side lines. *
I understand that I am responsible for my child’s safe transport home from school after the event. (approximate time 4.30 - 5.00pm) *
I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety, and for the safety of the group, that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed *
During the activity, Woolmer Hill would like to take photographs of the young people for education and presentation purposes and for use on our social media. Parental/carer consent is required to use any photos taken of those under 18 years old. *
I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the event. *
Parent Surname *
Parent First Name *
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