Sample Request for My Fun Chinese Resources 申请苗乐汉语教学资源样书
Thank you for being interested in our resources. To know more about the My Fun Chinese 苗乐汉语 and our other published resources and courseware, please visit The sample pages can be found on each product page. Thank you and enjoy!

Please be noted that the cost of delivery will be applied for the sample(s) you requst. Please provide your detail postal address, zip code and contact number in the form so we can process your request with no delay.
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My Fun Chinese range specially desigend for PreK-6 Chinese. It is consists of two curricula for Chinese language learning and Chinese literacy learning (MFC-Inquiry of Chinese)
Interested Items 索取苗乐样书 (Limit 2 items) *
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Your current occupation 您目前的工作职位是 *
What's the ages group 您主要教授的年龄组有 *
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Your postal address, zip code and contact number 邮寄地址 (详细收件地址,邮编,联系电话) *
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