Wirlix Internship Form
Fill out the form to get details about the internship being offered by Wirlix for high school students. First 100 responses get accepted.

Check out Wirlix at http://wirlix.com/

IOS app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wirlix-video-conversations/id1542704114?ign-itscg=30200%22&ign-itsct=apps_box_link 

Contract Info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dSVH2lIgHRNvNu1XUYERMXZrjH99i4-E3cCUGeyh7tU/edit?usp=sharing


⭐ Answer surveys (2) to help improve the Wirlix product
⭐ Post 12 video responses to other creators (organic)
⭐ Attend a kick off and completion call with Wirlix team member
⭐ Join the tournament (detailed to release at a later date)
⭐ Refer 10 users to the app
Contact Info
Sorry there are so many questions about contact info, we just want to know how to reach you. If you have any questions DM me on Discord. My username is Trained Mammal#5838.
What is your first and last name? *
What school do you go to? *
What is your personal email address (not school email)? *
What is your phone number? *
Do you have an iPhone *
Rensa formuläret
Skicka aldrig lösenord med Google Formulär
Formuläret skapades på Campbell Union High School District. Anmäl otillåten användning