Media Application 2024
Thank you for applying to join our Media team at Wicked Woods Music Festival 2024!

Required post-submission social media promotion
  • Save the "I applied" creative at the bottom of this form to your phone or computer
  • Post it to your social media with a short note. ex: "I've just applied to host a workshop at the wickedest  party, Wicked Woods Music Festival, August 30-Sept 1, in Fairmont Hot Springs, BC." 
  • Please tag @wickedwoodsmusicfestival and use the hashtag #wickedwoods2024
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Correo *
Contact & Availability
Legal first name *
Legal last name *
Phone number *
Please select your availability
Wed Aug 28
Thurs Aug 29
Fri Aug 30
Sat Aug 31
Sun Sept 1
Mon Sept 2
Will you be over the age of 19 on the dates of your availability? *
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