Youth Girls Sixes  Individual Registration Form

College Sport Wellington and Cricket Wellington are excited to bring back “Youth Girls Sixes” in 2025. Last year we ran a Sixes festival day at the Gillette Venus Tournament and it was a great success with six colleges taking part. We want to build on this and target our new to cricket girls or those that just want a different format to play. This new format of cricket is aimed to be action packed and completed within the hour. 

Playing conditions/Format

  1. 6-aside (you are welcome to have teams with more numbers but will need to manage the extra numbers)
  2. 10 (5-ball) overs per innings
  3. Rotating batting order (once everyone gets out, the order restarts and continues until the innings is over)
  4. Shorter boundaries

Competition details

Where: Liardet Street Park

Dates: Fridays after school (Friday 28 February, and 7, 14, 21 March)

Times: Game times will vary between 4pm – 6pm

 Please contact Sarah Neal,, for more information

Team registrations should be made via the Team Registration form, if your college has individuals who are interested but do not have enough players for a full team please register using the below form.

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College: *
Year level (in 2025): *
Main contact email: *
Main contact phone: *
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