Fathom - Guild Application
<Fathom> is a Cutting Edge raiding guild on Mal'Ganis, looking to bring a fun and positive experience to the community. We listen to suggestions and feedback from our members in order to continuously improve. While progression raiding is serious, we do also enjoy hanging out in Discord together, goofing around on off nights, pushing keys, doing alt runs, and playing a variety of other games together.

We represent Fathom Gaming, which is an esports organization operated by our GM, Cutegrampy. If you are interested in becoming involved with our stream team, please let us know.

We also want to make sure to prioritize our raiders' real lives ahead of WoW. As long as you let us know, with as much advanced notice as possible, we are okay with you being out. Just don't no-call no-show.
Character Name *
Character Name and Realm
Battle Tag *
Discord User Tag *
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