SSLDL Sensory Collection

SSLDL has been awarded a $10,000 Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities grant to create a sensory support collection for adults, teens and children with sensory processing concerns. We sought this grant because we recognize that sensory sensitivity can interfere with a person's ability to equitably use public spaces and accomplish tasks. Items purchased with this grant are meant to make the library a more comfortable place. This collection may include alternate seating, items for in-house use and check-out. We are seeking community input to help guide the scope and composition of this collection. Please share your thoughts with us. This survey includes 12 questions.  

The library will also be hosting a Community Conversation about the sensory collection on May 29 from 5:30-6:30. Please register on our website if you would like to join us. 

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How often do you visit the library?
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If you chose "I do not use the library" please tell us why.
How long do you typically spend in the library?

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Which area(s) of the library do you or your family typically use when visiting the library? Check all that apply.
If you have ever left the library because you found the physical environment (sound, light, seating, etc) uncomfortable please tell us about your experience.
Some of the sensory support items that we are considering for check-out are listed below. Please check the items you or someone you know may find useful to borrow from the library. Check all that apply. Please feel free to suggest other items for consideration.
Some of the sensory support items for all ages that we are considering for in-house use are listed below. Please check the items you or someone you know may find useful to use while in the library. Check all that apply. Please feel free to suggest other items for consideration.
We are considering adding wobble stools that allow for movement while seated. If we purchase wobble stools in which department(s) would you be most likely to use them? Check all that apply. 

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We are considering adding items to the youth department that can be used to stimulate or soothe the nervous system. Please check the items you think would be beneficial. Check all that apply. 

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We are considering adding skill building kits for children. These kits would include several books, small toys, games, and manipulatives pertaining to a concept or life skill. Please let us know what skills you would like us to consider. Examples include: fine motor skills, understanding expressions and emotions, safety, getting dressed.
What additional resources does the library not currently provide that you feel would improve use of the library for people with sensory sensitivities?
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