Mentee application for AIS M&M 
This is the mentee application form for the AI safety mentors & mentees program. 
We have no formal requirements for acceptance but want to note that
  1. The mentees so far have been Master's or PhD students in ML, CS and physics. This doesn't mean you have to have this background, it's just some guidance.
  2. We are limited by the capacity of mentors and can currently not say how many mentors we will be able to recruit.
  3. We are still unsure about how impactful the program is in the grand scheme of things and thus intend to expand slowly rather than quickly.
We strongly recommend you to check out existing resources in AI safety and apply to other programs you might be a good fit for as well. These include but are not limited to
Furthermore, we want to make you aware of existing resources in the AI safety space with more links and infos
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What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What stage of your career are you in? *
Could you provide more details on your background (e.g. degrees and experience with AI safety)? *
Why would you specifically benefit from 1-on-1 mentorship rather than a cohort program (please answer honestly and don't make up reasons)? *
How many hours can you consistently commit to the program per week on average (don't overstate the hours, it's also bad for you if you can't put in the time)? *
What is your current career plan? *
Is there a specific focus or topic that you want to work on, e.g. AI policy, interpretability, ELK, etc. (this information can be helpful in finding a fitting mentor but it's not a problem if you currently don't know)?  *
Are we allowed to share your application with other programs in AI safety or companies working on AI safety (you might get emails when new programs start or when a position opens)? *
Anything else?
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