3.1 Research in Your Discipline
WELCOME to your MCNY research tutorials! Here, you will be asked to engage with resources and tools and answer questions to help facilitate your understanding of advanced research.

This tutorial will introduce you to how research differs by discipline and what sort of research you will be conducting within the discipline of Emergency and Disaster Management.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to one of the MCNY librarians at research at researchhelp@mcny.edu.
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TECHNICAL NOTE: At certain points, you will have to copy links provided and paste them into a search engine (e.g. Google) to access the resources indicated.
DISCIPLINE-SPECIFIC RESEARCH SOURCES. Each discipline (Business, Human Services, Education, Emergency & Disaster Management, etc.) uses research in specific ways. For example, some disciplines rely more on peer-reviewed articles than others. Some rely more on statistics and data than others. Some use information published over a long period of time; others need information from a much shorter span of time, even from just within the last year. Some may require more visual research, while others require textual research. Part of becoming a professional in your field is learning about the research sources specific to your field.
EDM SOURCES: In Emergency and Disaster Management, you will likely rely more on statistics, data, news accounts, governmental and NGO reports than on peer review and scholarly articles. Emergency and Disaster Management (EDM) is a new discipline and the scholarship in the subject is developing.
Given the range of sources specifc to the field Emergency and Disaster Management described above, which of the following site or domain types can you add to a Google search to get sources relevant to your field? Check all that apply. *
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TRADE JOURNALS & SCHOLARLY JOURNALS: You will also want to consult professional literature. Professional literature is information written by professionals in your field that does not involve in-depth, original research vetted by other experts in the field; in other words, it is not peer-reviewed. Think of it as a magazine for other professionals in EDM.
Consider the journal below. You can find it in the MCNY Library at this link: mcny.on.worldcat.org/oclc/137343858
Is the journal Fire Engineering a trade journal or a scholarly article and is it an appropriate source for research projects in the field of Emergency and Disaster Management? *
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YOUR EDM MCNY RESEARCH GUIDE: MCNY has created several research guides to help you with your work.  The guide displayed below is for Emergency and Disaster Management. We have another guide to help you with statistics and demographics.  Demographic information can help you better understand a particular community so as to assess their needs. Examples include: America Factfinder, US Census, NYC Population FactFinder, DataUsa, and EuroStat.
View the MCNY EDM guide at this link: libguides.mcny.edu/emergency
Go to the MCNY EDM guide (libguides.mcny.edu/emergency). Click on one of the topics hyperlinked under the middle box entitled "Credo Topic Page." Examine your results. Check all the statements below that accurately describe the results you see. *
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MATCH THE SOURCE TO TRHE QUESTION. So, how do you decide what source you need?  You can start by asking yourself certain basic questions about the topic you want to research. Let’s say you are interested in learning about how Hurricane Sandy affected the Far Rockaway neighborhood of Queens in New York City.  You will want to break down this topic into its different components.  
Stolarik, R. (2017, July 14). A young woman sat in front of her building in the Rockaway section of Queens a week after Hurricane Sandy hit the coast [photograph]. New York Times. www.nytimes.com/2017/07/13/nyregion/rockaways-beaches-hurricane-sandy.html?auth=link-dismiss-google1tap
You may want to ask: How do hurricanes behave, what is the history of hurricanes in the New York metro area, how do hurricanes affect cities? Which of the following would most likely provide that background information? Check all that apply. *
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You may also want know exactly how hurricane Sandy developed, how it affected New York City, what was the infrastructure of affected areas. Which of the following would most likely provide that more specific, specialized information? Check all that apply. *
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In fact, newspapers will be a great source of information for you. They can provide both first-hand accounts of a disaster as well as later analysis of data. Of course, you can find newspaper articles online through a Google search or search online within a Google search. But, it's much more practical to search for newspaper articles in the MCNY Library databases. ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE, EBSCO, PROQUEST are all databaes that give you acess to a wide range of newspaper articles from different publications.  
On the MCNY Library homepage (https://www.mcny.edu/library), scroll down to "Databases" and select "Databases A-Z." On the page that opens, select the second database "Academic Search Complete." Once you click on "Academic Search Complete," type in your username and password (if you have not done so already), and then you will see the search screen. Search for "Hurricane Sandy," keeping the two words in quotation marks (" ") as shown below.  
On the left panel under "Refine Results," you will find several ways to filter your results. For example you can select only newspaper, and you can even, select only newspaper articles in one specific newspaper. You can also limit the date. This is a good feature to use to get fisrthand accounts of an event.
Going to the "Refine Results" panel to the left of your results for your "Hurricane Sandy" search, limit the publication date to 2012-2013; then select newspapers under "Source Types." How many newspapers articles on Hurricane Sandy will you get from this database published between 2012 and 2013? NOTE: Don't close out your search--we're going to use it again! *
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If you are looking for scholarly articles written by experts in the Emergency Management field, you could search the very same databases mentioned above --ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE, EBSCO, PROQUEST. Each of these also provides access to research articles written by experts in a wide range of academic disciplines. Looking at your search results for "Hurricane Sandy" in ACADEMIC SEARCH COMPLETE, how many academic articles published between 2012-2013 are available? *
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EDM SPECIALIZED DATABASES: For scholarly articles about the impact of Hurricane Sandy, MCNY also offers you some specialized databases in your field such as the Business Continuity and Disaster Reference Center database.  This a small and highly specialized database; simply putting in the words “Hurricane Sandy” –-which elsewhere may lead to too many results-– here only leads to 40. You will find that these articles come from journals in your field with names such as Disaster and Natural Hazards, which may give you ideas for journals to consult in the future.
GOVERMENT INFORMATION: Finally --or perhaps to begin with-- you will want to learn something about the neighborhood (in this case Far Rockaway) and its demographics in order to better understand its needs. Maybe you are interested in the impact on the land, on housing, or on the economy.  You can go to the NYC Plannin Community District Profiles (communityprofiles.planning.nyc.gov/), select Far Rockaway, and get data on various aspects of the community. We will look more closely at government data tools in other tutorials.
SUMMING UP: It’s always good to brainstorm about the different components of your questions and to think about what threads you may want to follow. When you have broken down your question a little, you’ll have a better idea of how to strategize and where to look.
REMEMBER: At MCNY, you have many resources to support you in completing your research projects including librarians, writing specialists, math specialists, and student mentors. You can also book a research consultation with a reference librarian for more one-on-one help and contact the Learning Enhancement Center (LEC) directly for a one-on-one writing session.
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