Hayfield ES Local Full-Time AAP Community Survey
Please complete this survey to help us prepare for Local Full-Time AAP expansion at Hayfield Elementary School.
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Parent/Guardian Name(s) (Optional)
Parent/Guardian Contact Information (Optional)
Grade Level(s) of Child(ren) Attending Hayfield Elementary School - Check all that apply for the 2023-2024 School Year  *
How well do you feel you understand the Local Full-Time Program? *
Please check all that would describe your intentions: (You may select more than one option. Please note that this decision would not be binding.) *
What do you see as the benefits of offering full-time AAP services at Hayfield Elementary School?
What do you see as the challenges in offering full-time AAP services at Hayfield Elementary School?
What questions do you have about expansion of Local Full-Time AAP at Hayfield Elementary School? (If you would like a direct answer, please include your name and contact information. Otherwise, your questions will be included in an overall compilation of questions and answer.)
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