MAD Van Volunteer
Thank you for your interest in the Van Volunteer role with Make a Difference PMQ.


A Van volunteer with Make a Difference PMQ might be required to assist with any of the following.
- Driving the van to and from shifts
- Making/serving coffee at a community event
- Cooking and serving food (BBQ and donated food) for people who access our service
- Having meaningful, non-judgmental conversations with all we serve

If you are interested in offering your time as a Van Volunteer with Make a Difference PMQ please complete the form below.

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Электронная почта *
First Name *
Surname *
Mobile Phone number *
Postcode *
Which day(s) of the week are you available? *
Обязательный вопрос
Please provide the hours you are available on the day(s) you have indicated above. *
Обязательный вопрос
Any other comments regarding shift availability. *
Please select the volunteer type from the options below that best describes you *
If you indicated above that you are a Youth Volunteer please provide the contact details of a parent/guardian as consent will be required.
Do you have a current Driver's License?
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Do you have an existing medical condition that could be an issue when on shift?
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(PLEASE COMPLETE IF YOU ARE AN ADULT VOLUNTEER) Consent to use photographs and images. You [agree/do not agree] that Make a Difference may take photographs and video footage of you carrying out your volunteer work and use it for the purposes of marketing and promotion of Make a Difference and its goods or services. This may include printed and digital marketing, including the use of your image on social media platforms. Please sign to acknowledge that you have read this volunteer agreement and have had an opportunity to ask questions.
Do you have a Working with Children Check? (Adult volunteers only) *
T-Shirt size. For MAD - volunteer Shirt. *
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