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Interact with interACT
If you would like to volunteer for our company in any capacity, please fill out this form.
You will begin receiving information about volunteer opportunities with interACT
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
E-mail Address
Your answer
Telephone Number
Your answer
In which areas would you be interested in volunteering?
Please check all that apply
Administration and Management (Playbill, Fundraising, Marketing, etc.)
Graphic and Web Design (Website, Posters, Flyers, etc) - Stipend Available
Production Team (Producing, Stage Management, Music Direction, etc) - Stipend Available
Costume Design/Direction - Stipend Available
Costume Construction
Set Design
Set Construction - Stipend Available
Set Painting/Decorating
Properties Direction - Stipend Available
Properties Construction
Lighting Design - Stipend Available
Light Operation - Stipend Available
Sound Design - Stipend Available
Sound Operation - Stipend Available
Run/Deck Crew (Moving Set Pieces, costumes, etc)
Pit Orchestra - Stipend Available
House Management
Box Office
Doesn't Matter
Performing - Plays
Performing - Musicals
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