CFGN New Membership Form
Thank you for your interest in signing up as a member under our new membership model. We are in an exciting phase of reviving the network and implementing a new organisational structure. By filling out this form you are helping us to develop a membership offer and identify funding priorities that best reflects the needs of our members.  
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Your Name
Your Email
Phone number
Type of Membership (hyperlink to graphic)
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Organisation Name (if applicable)
What types of support would you like to receive from CFGN? Please select all that apply.
If you want to add anything specific about types of support please do so here.
How would you like to receive communication from CFGN or other members? Please select all that apply.
This new model is currently free. We want to understand whether organisations would be willing to pay a fee for membership. Funds will go toward keeping the network running (eg. coordinator labour, overheads such as website costs, communications materials, and member support such as trainings/gatherings). Would your organisation be open to paying a fee in the future? 
*NB Question is for organisation members only*
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If you are applying as an organisation, would you be  willing to make a donation now? You can follow this link to our Just Giving page.
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