Sunday School Registration 2023-2024 Pre-K - 6th Grade
Please submit one form for each child.
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Child's first name *
Child's last name *
Child's preferred name
Child's date of birth *
Child's grade for 2023-2024 school year  *
Child's address *
Parent 1 first and last name *
Parent 1 cell phone *
Parent 1 email address *
Parent 2 first and last name
Parent 2 cell phone
Parent 2 email address (if they would like to receive  notifications)
Please indicate any restrictions (food) or other special needs that we need to be aware of.
Do you give permission for your child's photo to be used in print or on the web for church communication purposes? *
We still need teachers! Please check below if you would consider joining our team (Susan will get in touch to discuss further). We work around your schedule and provide all lesson plans and materials.
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