RSVP: Startup Meetup - Paul Bragiel 
Fireside chat guest: Paul Bragiel Date: 23.09.2022.
Time: 18:00 - 20:00 Location: Igriška ulica 5 (250 steps from the city center of Ljubljana)
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Any suggestion/idea? A question for Paul, maybe? 
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* Parking: Parking Garage Congress Square (5min walking)
** After registration, you will receive an invitation to the event, which you can easily add to your e-calendar. *** Data - first and last name and e-mail address - are collected exclusively for the purpose of more efficient organization of the event, e-invitation and reception at the entrance, and information about future Startup Meetup events. We store and protect data in accordance with the GDPR. We are available at any time for questions about the data we hold about you via
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