Maths Discussion Forums - Building our network of expertise
Please use this form to register for our free Networks of Expertise online maths discussion forums. During the 'spotlight' section we would love to encourage you to share something useful with your fellow Y0-8 teachers e.g. a useful resource, success story, information, etc. It doesn't have to be related to the discussion topic.

Thank you.  Marie Hirst,  Auckland Primary Maths Networks of Expertise  
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How many years have you been teaching?
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What year level(s) do you mostly teach?
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Which online zoom sessions would you like to register for?
Tick if you would be willing to share something during our 'spotlight' section? (e.g. resource, activity, success story, information). This does not have be related to the hot topic.
What would you be sharing during the spotlight section?
How much time would you like to share during the session?
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Are there any other hot topics you would like to be included for future maths discussion forums?
Is there anything else you wish to add?
If you are attending the Assessment session on 23rd Sept please can you add any questions you wish to be addressed onto this padlet before the session.
Thank you. A link to join the online zoom session shall be sent 1 day prior to the workshop via the email address you have provided.  If you have any queries please email Marie at 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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