Tiny Trailblazers Nomination Form
Share your nominations of kids who changed the world!  Since the beginning of time, children have been instrumental in propelling human ingenuity to new heights. From noticing scientific phenomena and fighting for social justice to bringing much needed fun to bleak situations, the youngest among us have always been one step ahead without getting much of the credit…until now. 

Nominate a person, who under the age of 18, through their actions or words changed their community, made a breakthrough in a field of study, invented something, gave a speech, stood up for what they believed in, made a sacrifice or changed history. You can nominate 2 people. Think of someone from the past, or someone living today for your 'historical' nomination think of someone  you know or in your community for the 'local' nomination.
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Your Name *
Your School *
Your Grade *
Contact email you prefer: *
What is the name of your first nominee? *
Are they Historical or Local *
What are they known for?
Column 1
Field of Study
A Cause
A Great Sacrifice
A Speech
Charity or Philanthropy
A Brilliant Creation (Book, Art, Performance, etc.)
Clear selection
What impact did they make on their community or the world? *
What is the name of your second nominee?
Are they 'Historical' or 'Local'?
Clear selection
What are they known for?
Column 1
Field of Study
A Cause
A Great Sacrifice
A Speech
Charity of Philanthropy
A Brilliant Creation (Book, Art, Performance, etc.)
Clear selection
What impact did they make on their community or the world?
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