Chaminade High School and Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Fund team up for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC!
Has running a marathon ever been on your bucket list? Chaminade High School is excited team up with Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation to offer charity bibs for entry into the 2024 Marine Corps Marathon on Sunday, October 27, 2024! 

Reserve your spot to run alongside some of the most iconic landmarks in the country in what is known around the country as the "The People's Marathon" and the best marathon for beginners, on October 27th, 2024 in Washington, DC. The route starts at Arlington National Cemetery, and you'll run past the National Mall, Capitol Hill, the Pentagon, and more, ending at the Marine Corps War Memorial all in support of an amazing cause. 

Please fill out the questions below. Those who are selected will be contacted by the Chaminade High School Office of Advancement. Runners must fundraise to be eligible.

Submissions will be accepted until June 30, 2024.

For any questions, contact Advancement at (516) 742-5555 ext. 578 or
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First and last name *
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Please describe your affiliation with Chaminade High School and/or MC-LEF:
What would make you a great representative of the Chaminade & MC-LEF team, if selected to run? (Maximum 300 words) *
Will you commit to the $1,500 fundraising minimum to participate and secure a bib?
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