Application Grades 6th-12th I-SS Virtual Academy 2024-2025
The following information will serve as your child's formal application to enroll in the I-SS Virtual Academy for 2024-2025 school year and must be completed by a legal parent or guardian for the student seeking enrollment.  Our early application window will open on March 5th, 2024.  Upon receiving the submitted application we may reach out to your child's current school administration for additional information and their input regarding moving your child to I-SS Virtual Academy.  Once we have all information we will follow up with you via email with our decision. 

IMPORTANT- Prior to submitting this application please make sure your child has completed the Online Readiness Assessment located at the following address:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Basic Information
Guidelines for Enrollment with ISS Virtual Academy:      Please check each box below to indicate you have read all of the guidelines: *
Student Legal Last Name  *
Student Legal First Name  *
Parent or Legal Guardian's Full Name *
I attest the person completing this application is the  Parent or Legal Guardian and can make educational decisions for the student listed in this application.  *
Best Phone Number for the Student *
Best Phone Number for the Parent or Guardian *
Student ISS Email (Please make sure it is the correct student number followed by If your student does not currently attend an I-SS School please write no email.  *
Parent or Legal Guardian Best Email *
Address Where the Student Resides *
Online Readiness Assessment
Please Note:  Failure to have student complete the Online Readiness Assessment disqualifies a student from being considered for enrollment in the Iredell-Statesville Schools Virtual Academy.
My child completed the Online Readiness Assessment: *
Overall Score Received:  (For this question if you do not know the score then leave blank and it will be completed by the application review team)
Instructional Information
Please Note: By Completing and submitting this application you are requesting your child transfer from their current school and become a student of Iredell-Statesville Schools Virtual Academy. Your child will no longer be allowed to participate in any activities other than athletics through their current school. (examples of activities students would not be able to participate in include but may not be limited to clubs, dances, fundraisers, picture day, Prom, school band, chorus, ...)
For what grade are you enrolling?  *
What is the name of the current school or most recent school the student is attending and if out of the I-SS district please provide the school name, address and phone number.  *
My child has, check what is applicable: *
If your student has a 504 plan, IEP, or DEP you MUST email a copy to Samantha Millsaps. *
If your child has any of the above listed plans, please explain in more detail how this impacts your child's overall instructional needs:
On a scale of 1 to 5, how well does your child understand and use Canvas as a Learning Management System. *
Brand New Learner
Can Teach It
Please provide the name, subject taught your child and contact email for at least one teacher who could provide a recommendation for your child if needed.  *
Parent/Guardian Understanding Agreement
As a parent/guardian I understand that my child will be taking asynchronous courses and this requires no live zoom meetings or set specific class time.  I understand my child must be responsible for his/her on learning. *
As a parent /guardian I understand that my child's teachers will want to communicate with me through email and by phone and it is my responsibility to keep this contact information current and respond to the teacher. *
As a parent/guardian I understand that I must make sure my child has time to login daily to his/her classes and scheduled time is set aside to work in each course. I understand that missing a course login for 5 consecutive days and/or missed assignments more than 5 days late can be cause for dismissal from the I-SS Virtual Academy.  Further, I understand that teachers are not required to provide extensions for late or missing work past the original deadline that was provided and can deduct points or give zeros. *
I understand that by enrolling in this school I am committing to the 2024-2025 school year. Withdrawals must be an emergency and approved by Mrs. Lindsay. *
Why are you seeking this learning option for your child? *
Name of Parent/Guardian Completing this Application (by placing your name here it indicates that you are the individual that completed the application, you are a parent/guardian of the student that is applying and that you have responded carefully and accurately to each question. ) *
Date Completed: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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