Paid & Allowed Content 
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Is it ok to engage in paid content as a content creator?
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Is it ok to offer opinionated content if the content was paid for?
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Is it ok to offer opinionated content if a review copy was provided?
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Is it ok to show enthusiasm but with no opinions when the content was paid for?
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Is it ok to do unpaid opinionated content, if you did paid content around the same game? e.g. a paid gameplay and an unpaid review?
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Is it ok to do unpaid opinionated content if you have ever done paid content with that same publisher on other games?
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Is it ok to do opinionated content around a game if you work for a game company or other potential conflict of interest?
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Is it ok to do opinionated content around a game if you are friends with the company, designer, developer etc?
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Is it ok to publish a photo of a game that you were paid to publish, without it being obviously clear that the content was paid for?
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Is it ok for a publisher to include a testimonial on a campaign page without it being clearly listed as coming from paid content?
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