SMT Committee on Race and Ethnicity: "mentor pool" intake form
Thank you for your willingness to serve as a mentor in the Committee on Race and Ethnicity’s Mentoring/Networking initiative!

The program aims to nurture the work and careers of students and junior scholars in music theory who identify as under-represented racial or ethnic minorities.

Filling out this form will add your name to a pool of potential mentors for the SMT CoRE mentorship program, but does not automatically result in an imminent pairing.

*Note: The presence or lack of an institutional affiliation will not positively or negatively affect your standing in the mentoring/networking program—we are asking for this information solely for the purpose of making effective matches.*

SMT Policy on Mentoring:
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Name *
Pronouns *
Position/Status *
Institutional Affiliation and/or Location *
Mentorship Areas *
The Committee on Race and Ethnicity is focused on mentorship in two main areas: professional development, and research and intellectual development. Please indicate your interest in each of these areas by selecting one of the following options
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