Survey Questions on Clinical Trials: Field Study
Clinical trials are a type of medical research in which volunteers choose to participate in a study to test the safety and effectiveness of certain treatments, drugs, or devices.
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1) Have you ever heard of a clinical trial *
2) Do you know of anyone who has participated in a clinical trial? *
3) Has your doctor or other health care professional ever talked to you about participating in a clinical trial? *
4) Assuming appropriate private protections are in place, would you be willing to share your personal health information: So researchers can better understand diseases and develop new ways to prevent, treat and cure them?                         *
5) Assuming appropriate private protections are in place, would you be willing to share your personal health information: To advance medical science?       *
6) Assuming appropriate private protections are in place, would you be willing to share your personal health information: So health care providers can improve patient care? *
7) Assuming appropriate private protections are in place, would you be willing to share your personal health information: So public health officials can better track disease     *
8) Assuming appropriate private protections are in place, would you be willing to share your personal health information: If you participated in a clinical trial, would you prefer to have clinical trial information and results delivered through your phone?   *
9) Health care professionals should discuss clinical trial opportunities with patients as part of a routine medical care? *
10) By taking part in clinical trials I am providing a valuable service to our health care system. *
11) It is important for everyone to take part in a clinical trial if they are asked to do so. *
12) I would take part in a clinical trial if I was asked by someone I trust. *
13) People should participate in clinical trials as a routine health behavior, whether they are healthy or ill. *
14) Participants in clinical trials should have access to the results. *
15) Clinical trials are important to advancing science. *
16) Clinical trials are important to improving our nation’s health. *
17) Which of the following do you believe to be a reliable source for clinical trial information? (Check all that apply) *
18) Which organizations listed below would you say have the greatest responsibility in educating the public about clinical trials? (Choose ONLY one) *
19) How likely are you to use technology such as apps, phones to share your personal health data for clinical research? *
If you need a CEU certificate, please let us know which of the following you would like. *
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