Eastwood District Academy Skills Program
The 2022 Eastwood Rugby Academy will include a Skills Program. The Skills Program is for Under 10 and 11 players in 2022 (boys and girls). The program will be focused on building player skills for the Club and Representative Season, and with a look to building on these skills in future years, in the development program.

The program will be run by Craig Hawkings, Operations Manager at Eastwood, and the program will be run at TG Milner on a Tuesday night between 4:15 and 5:45,  from the 1st February to the 8th March (6 weeks).

There will be NO charge for this program but players can choose to purchase the training shirt and shorts for $50.00, they would purchase these items via the new Sinalli gear portal. More information on how to do this will be sent out to players who register
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