Newspaper 2025-26 Staff Application
The Downey Legend is seeking a wide range of talent and personalities for the Newspaper staff of the 
2025-2026 school year. As long as you are willing to commit to the challenge of being the voice of Downey High and its community, this is the class for you. We are an award-winning publication that will continue to flourish in the years to comes. Becoming a staff member requires a high level of commitment and responsibility. With this in mind, if you are willing to be legendary while making Newspaper a priority in your extracurricular life, please fill out the information below.

APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN Thursday, April 3rd at 8:00 PM 
All parts of your application must be submitted for evaluation.
Your application will not be considered if you are missing any of the following components:

Complete applications include:
Part 1 - this form + work samples
Part 2 - one teacher recommendation form

All links can be found at: > more > resources/links
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First Name *
Last Name *
Student ID *
Personal Email *
Phone Number *
Current Grade Level  
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Current 3rd Period Teacher *
Current English Teacher *
 Counselor *
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