Open Mic Registration 2/28/2024
This is the official registration form for the open mic at Drumroll Stage + Sushi Pub on February 14, 2024! We have a PA system with stage monitors, vocal mics, guitar amps, a bass amp, XLR cables, DI boxes and a full drum kit that you are welcome to utilize. Each act will have a maximum of 10 minutes on stage.
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What is your name?
How many people are in your act?
What instruments will you bring?
What equipment do you need? We have:

Vocal mics

Hartke Bass Rig

Rogers Cleveland Era, Dallas Drum Co. or similar drum set

Zildjian cymbals

Fender Super 6 Amp

Fender Twin Amp

Fender Acoustic Amp
Briefly describe what you plan to perform and let us know about any other details we should know about ahead of time.
If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to
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