LIFE CRAL - Industrial pilot plant for semisolid process route with eco-compatible feedstock materials
The LIFE CRAL project ( officially started on the 1st of July 2016. Running for 30 months, the project aims at drastically cutting emissions in aluminium (Al) production, eliminating any pollutants by substituting it with recycled Al and eco-magnesium (ECO-Mg), and completely avoiding highly polluting gases for Mg process. The main objective of the proposed innovation activities, developed by FRENI BREMBO SPA and CANNON ERGOS S.P.A., is to kick-start a breakthrough line, at pre-industrial scale, able to produce high-quality and light-weight components from both recycled low-purity (<95%) Al and the new ECO-Mg alloys, in a safe and clean manner. Thanks to ultimate advancements in the novel technology of semisolid process, the entire supply chain will be re-designed by the LIFE CRAL pilot line and will face the big challenge of introducing for the first time in automotive the breakthrough semisolid technology, by a dramatically more sustainable process based on more sustainable and high-performing raw materials (i.e. recycled low-purity Al and ECO-Mg).

The purpose of this survey is to collect feedbacks from the most important stakeholders within and around the LIFE CRAL value chain and assess their position towards the proposed innovation in order to assess the potential impacts on current and future demand, the relevant business scenarios and the possible adoption and acceptance barriers.

This survey is conducted in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): the provided data will be collected and maintained with full confidentiality, they will be coded and anonymized from the point of submission and will no longer be individually identifiable; after this point it will be analysed and reported collectively.

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