Wildwood Running Camp - Scholarship Application
At Wildwood Running we want to create a community that is accessible to all. Our Scholarship program is created so support those with true financial hardship. If you are interested in applying for a scholarship to our Overnight Summer Camp, please complete the form below. We hope to serve as many families as possible. Please have a legal guardian complete this form. If you have any questions, please reach out to robyn@wildwoodrunning.com 
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Email *
Athlete Email *
Athlete Name *
Where does the athlete currently live (city, state) *
Which school does the athlete attend? *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
Admission is $695 per runner. Please articulate what you can afford.  We will consider payment reductions and payment plan options.  We may follow up with a phone call to talk through terms of the scholarship. *
Is the athlete on any free or reduced lunch program at school? *
Tell us more about why this scholarship would be important to you. *
Please share with us any other information that could help us better understand your financial circumstances and need for scholarship. *
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