Sociocracy Training Intensive Registration Form

Steps to register:
  1. Provide us with your basic information by filling out this form, so we can get back to you.
  2. Make your payment to confirm your space.
  3. Receive the confirmation of your payment and your space in the training.
  4. Arrange your travel.

Thank you for pre-registering for the 7-Day Sociocracy Training!
We appreciate your participation and look forward to having you join us.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Full name
Phone number
Date of birth
Where do you live? (city, state, country)
Which program would you like to register for?
**Registration for Facilitator Level Certification Program requires completion of Practitioner Level badge requirements or prior approval given by program trainers.
Please tell us about your current experience with sociocracy.
Include any organizations you are a part of that use sociocracy, training you have taken, and any completed certifications/badges and the dates you completed those certifications.
Please tell us a little bit more about yourself.
For example, what interests you in this training and how do you plan to use sociocracy in the future?
How did you hear about this training?
Do you have any questions for us?
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