Take Up Space - Takatāpui/Rainbow exhibition
Kia ora!

This is a call out to the Takatāpui/Rainbow community in Rotorua to exhibit art in all formats at this community exhibition. This exhibition is to show inclusiveness, celebrate diversity and raise awareness of the inequities our LGBTQIA+ community faces.

This will be Rotorua's first art exhibition showcasing the Rainbow community creatives of this city. Representation is important. It allows our young people who may be struggling or vulnerable to feel seen, reach out for help if needed, and know they are not alone.

Love is love and should be celebrated.

If you would prefer a hardcopy of the application then we can email a form through for you to print and fill out.

For questions, please contact: activities@artsvillage.org.nz 

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Email *
A little bit about you, the artist
Email *
Name *
Artist name if preferred or you can remain anonymous.
Where are you from/based? *
About you
An artist bio, information on your art journey or your reason for participating in Take Up Space - optional
Kosongkan formulir
Jangan pernah mengirimkan sandi melalui Google Formulir.
Formulir ini dibuat dalam Rotorua Arts Village Trust. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan