FAIR-OpenResearch Forum user design survey

FAIRPoints together with the FAIRDataPodcast, are in the process of establishing a community gathering place where people can exchange information and experiences and locate topics that are relevant to their interests, such as FAIR principles and Open Research. 

In order to facilitate the exchange of knowledge in a cordial and sociable setting, we expect to see people from many fields coming together based on shared interests. People have the chance to present their work, increase its visibility, and make an impact outside of the realm of conventional publication outlets. 

 In order to help us create this forum with the community in mind, we would like to ask for your thoughts and feedback.

This is an anonymous survey, we do not collect your data only the replies that will help guide our design of a community forum to bring together the Open and FAIR research community.

This is an anonymous survey, we do not collect your data only the replies that will help guide our design of a community form to bring together the Open and FAIR research community. If you are interested in contributing to the project please contact fairpoints@protonmail.com 
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In the past 6 months where have you searched for or discovered information relevant to the FAIR principles (e.g. metadata challenges you faced)?

Where would you currently direct new researchers seeking information on FAIR principles?

How do you prefer to communicate new findings with other researchers?

How do you prefer to engage with the FAIR data and RDM community? 

How often do you search online for information relating to FAIR data and RDM practices?

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Currently, how available is general information on FAIR practices for you?

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Currently, how available is specific information on incorporation of FAIR practices into your work?

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How often do you engage with FAIR resources on your mobile phone? 

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How likely are you to interact with resources pertaining to the latest FAIR developments? 

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Do you prefer a simple text forum or one with multimedia capabilities?

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Rank the following features from 1 (least useful to you) to 5 (most useful to you):
Forum for discussion of new developments in FAIR
Automatic creation of discussion posts
Ability to share work with other researchers
Direct messaging
Resource Hub for new FAIR information
Ability to link posts in tweets easily
User Profiles
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Rank the following features based on your personal preference and priority view. 
Not important
Somewhat important
Quite important
Very important
How important is Open-Source capability of new platforms?
How important is the ability to collaborate and communicate with researchers on a global level?
How important is the ability to contribute to discussions on blogs and posts?
How important are postings for new job and workplace opportunities ?
How important is integration between separate discussion platforms/forums ?
How important is the ability to archive and easily retrieve older forum posts?
How important is ORCID integration capability in a research-related forum?
How important is the ability to customise your user profile on a new platform?
How important is user representation: I.e. membership, badges, affiliations on a new platform?
How important is having a discussion space for FAIR and RDM news/activities?
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What shall we call this forum? 
Keep in mind we are looking for a name to capture Open and FAIR practices from a  multidisciplinary perspective. 
Anything else you'd like us to know? 
If you'd like to be involved in this project, please get in touch with us at fairpoints@protonmail.com or leave your email below.
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