VBS Volunteer 2024 (YOUTH)
Sunday, June 23-Wednesday, June 26
Volunteers in place by 5:45 (Let Joanna know if you cannot make it by 5:45, we can work it out!)

Questions? Contact Joanna at (979)324-4128.
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Email *
Name (First and Last name) *
Phone Number *
Birthday *
Grade in 2023-2024 school year *
Parent Name & Phone Number in case of emergency *
How are you currently involved at Faith Bible? *
Who is your Link Leader?
T-shirt size: T-shirts will be given to all volunteers. If you choose to help offset t-shirt costs by donating $5-10, you can give to Faith Bible Church through the offering with the memo line of VBS. Thank you! *
We will have a VBS training before VBS starts. Will you be able to attend a training on Wednesday, June 19 from 6:30-8:00pm?
Are you available to help decorate the week before VBS? (Krista will contact you with more info.) *
Photo Release: I hereby grant permission for Faith Bible Church to record pictures or videos of me while on church property. I also give permission to FBC to use these images or videos in church print and online publication (including church websites and social media). *
Have you completed an application to work with minors with Faith Bible Church? If you have not, we will provide you with the application via email or paper.
With which age group are you interested in serving?
Please check ALL areas you would be interested in serving. *
What is your TOP choice for place to serve?
Why do you want to help at VBS this year at Faith Bible?   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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