Diona's Flower Shop - FEEDBACK FORM
Feedback form for players who finished playing Diona's Flower Shop. Thank you for taking the time to fill this form, it'll be great help for me to improve and learn as a novice game developer!

I hope you enjoyed the game and would continue to support me along the way ^ _ ^

Name / Itch.io Username or link to your profile *
How old are you? *
What's your first impression of the game? *
What's your first impression on the florist character?
What do you think about the florist? *
What is your opinion on the GUI, or the game design in general? *
If you're here for Bug report, please explain it here as detailed as possible! Grammar errors are okay too, literally any errors you encounter 
Which ending did you get on your first try, and what are your thoughts on the ending? 

(Opt answer) If you've tried getting all 5 endings, which one would be your favorite?
What are the things that you think could be improved on, for future updates? Be it GUI, gameplay wise, etc . Anything you have in mind *
Thoughts you have after finishing the game? How likely you're to recommend the game? Or rate it from 1-10 Idk LOL just say whatever you have in mind! *
Anything more to add? (Closing words, or if you want to theorize here feel free too LOL...)
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