UG Startup Factory Demo Day (Batch 7)
On 22th of June at 19:00, globally-oriented idea stage startups from the UG Startup Factory acceleration program will present their projects to investors – within the Demo Day.

UG startup factory, which is based at the University of Georgia, is a Startup Accelerator and co-working space for people who have innovative ideas and want to start a business. Startup Factory provides educational events and startup supporting programs.

Center is managed by the innovation consulting and management company Future Laboratory, which has a big experience in developing and managing innovation infrastructure and processes.

Students can develop their idea, find business partners, communicate, get support toward mentorship and investment. UG startup factory contributes to the development of innovation at the University Of Georgia.

The online event will be hosted in Zoom.

Event Agenda:
19:00-19:10 Welcome ceremony
19:10-20:00 Startup pitches
20:00-20:20 Dating with Startups

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