Haslingfield Youth Survey
Haslingfield Parish Council is in the planning stage of developing a Neighbourhood Plan and it is very important that we hear the views of young people aged 11-18 in the village, so that we can understand better how to plan for the future. It would be really helpful if you could complete our survey and tell us what’s great and not so great about living in Haslingfield!

If you live in Harlton, please do fill in this survey. Although we have separate Parish Councils, our villages share many resources (like the Connections Bus) and we are interested in knowing your opinions too.

All responses to this survey are anonymous and comments won't be made public.  
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Do you know about the Connections Bus?
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Do you ever use the Connections bus?
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If you do use the Connections bus, what do you like/not like about it?
If you don't use the bus, could you tell us why?
What other regular village groups or activities do you attend (e.g. sports/drama etc)?
Are there any other activities you would like to see introduced in Haslingfield (or Harlton)?
What developments within the village do you think would make the biggest difference to you and your friends? This could include:

· improvement to practical resources, like transport and/or better places to meet up

· new or improved organised events

· anything else that you would like to see  
What do you like about living in Haslingfield/Harlton?
What do you dislike about living in Haslingfield/Harlton?
Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about what it’s like to live in Haslingfield/Harlton?

We welcome any comments on this survey and anything you feel we may have left out!  
If you would like to be entered into our prize draw to win 1kg of Pick N Mix, please enter your email address here:
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