CHI NL Blog Series: sign up form

Welcome to the CHI NL Blog Series page! 🚀 Our blog gives you the opportunity to get featured on our blog 😊. This series (Meet, Read, Workspace) is a great opportunity for HCI / UX researchers and practitioners in the Netherlands to share who you are, what you have researched, or what your daily workspace looks like, with the wider SIGCHI community and the world! 🌎 Below are the categories you can sign up for:


The goal of CHI NL Meet is to have a member of CHI NL introduce themselves. We will ask you to provide a portrait photo (formal or informal), and answer 9 questions about yourself.


The goal of CHI NL Read is to have a member of CHI NL showcase their recent research, ensuring that this research is a bit more accessible to those outside of academic HCI. We will ask you to you choose a recent research paper, where in a series of around 10 questions, you can explain the technical concept, contribution, methodology, research process, and so on.

CHI NL Workspace

The goal of the newly started CHI NL Workspace is to have a member of CHI NL showcase their physical and/or digital workspace. For example: photo of desk / workspace, favorite physical tool and why, favorite programming language, software stack, productivity, etc. We will ask you this through several questions, where can focus on your favorite space, tools, and/or process. 


We take privacy and data protection seriously, but please read our policy before continuing.

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Full Name *
Affiliation: *
Current role (e.g., Masters' student, PhD student, UX Researcher, etc.) *
CHI Nederland Slack username (if you have one)
Preference (can be more than one):  *
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