2021 Coffee Socials | 咖啡社交聚會
Attendee Sign up | 報名表
登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
* COVID-19 protocols will be enforced | 須遵守防疫措施
1. Mask wearing required | 需配戴口罩
2. On site temperature check required | 現場量測體溫
3. Completed COVID-19 Health Screening prior to in-person social events. COVID-19 Health Screening form will be sent with your registration confirmation email. | 前往咖啡聚會前務必完成 COVID-19 健康篩查。 COVID-19 健康檢查表將與註冊確認電郵一同寄送給您。
Which location and date you would like to go to? | 請選擇您欲參加的場次。 *
First Name | 名字 *
Last (Family) Name | 姓氏 *
Email Address | 電郵地址 *
Phone Number | 連絡電話 *
What city do you live in? | 居住城市名 *
What is your family ethnicity? | 您家庭的族裔為何? *
What language(s) does your family speak? (Check all that apply) | 您家庭中慣用語言為何? (可複選) *
What are the age(s) of your special needs loved one(s)? (Check all that apply.) | 您的特殊需要子女年齡為何? (可複選) *
Are you or your special needs loved one currently a client of the Regional Center? Which one? | 您或您的特殊需要子女目前為區域中心的客戶嗎? 是哪個區域中心? *
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
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