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2025 Mulch Fundraiser Order Form
Mulch will be delivered to your house and spread to your desire by members of the football team at no additional cost beginning April 28th. Orders must be placed by April 15th
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* Indicates required question
First & Last Name
Your answer
Delivery Street Address
Your answer
City, State Zip
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Email Address
Your answer
Who is your Football Player Salesperson?
Your answer
Please specify the color of bagged mulch you would like. Type (Brown, Black or Red)
Your answer
How many bags would you like of the selection above?
Your answer
Please specify the color of bulk mulch you would like. Type (Brown, Black or Red)
Your answer
How many yards would you like of the selection above? (Minimum of 6 yrds)
Your answer
Any special instructions?
Your answer
If you do not want your mulch spread please note here. Mulch and delivery is $4.00 per bag or $35.00 per yard.
Please do not spread my mulch. Just deliver it.
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