Believe the (Im)possible: Saint Joseph's new dream
This Advent retreat will explore St Joseph’s “incredible dream” that impels him to “claim responsibility” for Mary, his betrothed, and the child she will bear. Join us for an afternoon of prayer and faith-sharing as we ask, How are we being called to claim responsibility for our beloved neighbor this Advent season? Young adult leaders will share reflections on the path of migrants, immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, and the global family of dreamers who leave everything they have known to take a walk of faith.

Join us on Saturday, December 17th from 12-4 pm ET/9 am-1 pm PT via Zoom for this retreat experience.
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Age (please note, this retreat is restricted to 18-39 year olds) *
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This retreat will be held over Zoom. Are there any accommodations that would support your full engagement? If so, please share them.
Is there anything else you want to share as we finalize the retreat?
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