Sign up for the Route 1 Emerging Farmers Institute
6-7 p.m.
March 6th to May 8th
Online (via Zoom)

The Dates are:
March 6th - 6-7pm CST - Assistant Commissioner Bailey (MDA) and Adria Fernandez (UMN-Extension) - Intro to Cover Crops
March 13th - 6-7pm CST - Jane Windsperger, MAIFA - Labor Help for the Emerging Farmer
March 20th - 6-7pm CST - Dr. Beth Fisher (MN State Mankato) - Soil Health
March 27th - 6-7pm CST - Emerging Farm Financing 
April 3rd - 6-7pm CST - Marissa Schuh (UMN - Extension) - Pest Control
April 10th - 6-7pm CST - Marissa Schuh (UMN - Extension) - Weed Control
April 17th - 6-7pm CST - Kazoua Berry (Big River Farms) - Mental Health for the Emerging Farmer
April 24th - 6-7pm CST - Gigi DiGiacomo (UMN, Applied Economics) - Strategic Farm Management
May 1st - 6-7pm CST - Marcus Carpenter (Route 1) - Market Development 
May 8th - 6-7pm CST - Intro to Farm Business Management

The Route 1 Emerging Farmers Institute is a free, virtual 10-week program designed for farmers of all backgrounds and experience, with an emphasis on the challenges facing Black, Brown, and Indigenous farmers. 

The Emerging Farmers Institute offers participants the latest tools and information to empower you to grow better crops, grow your farm business, and provide nutritious, culturally relevant food for our community. It is a chance to build connections and camaraderie with other emerging farmers. 

Topics covered during the program include: strategic farm planning, soil health, cover crops, market preparation, financing and more.

Farmers who complete the 10-week course will receive access to Route 1's Market Access program, a farm share distribution program servicing community distribution, chefs, restaurants, CSA's and commercial food services providers across the state of Minnesota.

The Route 1 Emerging Farmers Institute is offered in partnership with: 
  • University of Minnesota Extension
  • Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
  • Tuskegee University
  • MN Department of Agriculture (MDA)
  • United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
  • Minnesota African Immigrant Farmers Association (MAIFA)
  • Big River Farms

Learn more about Route 1 and our mission to increase food access and decrease the racial hunger divide by empowering, encouraging, and educating BIPOC farmers in Minnesota.
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