Worship God | Serve God in Kid City
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Adults - Worship God | Serve God in Kid City
Adult- First and last name *
Adult - email address *
Adult - cell phone number *
Yes, I (adult) would like to serve God in Kid City.  I would love to be part of the Kid City Welcome Team.   I will offer a warm smile, friendly greeting, and make people feel welcome.  I'm available
Yes, I (adult) would love to serve in the nursery. I'm available.
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Yes, I (adult) would love to serve as a preschool, 2-year-olds though kindergartens, small group leader and show them God's amazing love.  All classroom activities & supplies are prepared for you.  I'm available
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Yes, I (adult) would love to serve as a small group leader and show God's love to a group of  1st - 6th graders in Kid City.   All classroom activities & supplies are prepared for you.  I'm available
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Yes, I (adult) would love to serve and show God's love to the students who learn in our Special Needs classroom. I'm available
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Yes, I'm available to serve at the following special  events.
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I would like to serve in Kid City
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