hyuckles-chuckles tag list!
answer these questions for my tag list! answer them truthfully!
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
what is your tumblr name? add your main blog if you want to be tagged with a different blog. *
how old are you? i need to know the age range of people so i don't accidentally tag a minor in nsfw fic. if i find out that you're lying then you'll be removed from the list. *
do you want to be tagged in nsfw content? this question is for 16 and older, those 15 and younger choose N/A. *
which tag lists would you like to be added in? *
that's the end of the poll! thank you so much for completing it as well being interested in my works <3 love y'all for that. since this is a question, tell me something good that happened to you today :D *
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