Nursery Induction Questionnaire
Before coming to your appointment please could you spend a few minutes filling in this questionnaire.  The responses will form the basis of the discussion you will have with your child's teacher in helping them to get to know your child. We ask for this to be completed by  Monday 5th July. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
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Name of Child: *
How would you describe your child's personality? (e.g. quiet, outgoing, sensitive etc.)
What does your child enjoy doing at home/outside?
Family: Apart from yourselves, is there anyone else that shares your family home?
Has your child been to any previous setting and how did they respond to leaving you?
How does your child respond to change?
Please can you answer the following questions about the early stages of your child's development.
 Were they born on time?
How many days/weeks early or late were they?
How old were they when they started talking? (months)
How old were they when they started walking? (months)
Is there anything else you would like to discuss?
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