Twizel Area School - Learning Support
Learning Support is used to assist students with specific learning needs.
Specific learning needs include students who are over a year below the national expectations for their year level, or who need learning support to master a necessary skill. It also includes students at our school who have been designated ORS by the Ministry of Education or ICS (in class support) by the RTLB.

Learning support for these students is provided through the Special Education Grant, T.A.S, Board of Trustees funds, ORS funding, High Health Needs support, and ESOL and Reading Recovery allocation from the MOE. Occasionally funding is provided through the RTLB service of Group Special Education for a specific purpose (e.g. transition).
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1. Do you feel comfortable discussing your child's needs with the class teacher and requesting help for your child? *
2. What areas of Learning Support are you aware of, that are being offered at TAS? *
3. Has your child ever received Learning Support at TAS? *
If your answer is 'no' then go straight to question 7.
4. How were you informed that your child was receiving learning support? (with the exception of general classroom Teacher/Teacher Aide support)
If you answered 'No' to Question 3, then this question will not apply to you so please leave it blank.
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5. How beneficial was this support for your child?
If you answered 'No' to Question 3, then this question will not apply to you so please leave it blank.
Not beneficial at all
Extremely beneficial
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6. Did you feel like there was a partnership approach between teacher/s and your whanau, to meet the needs of your child?
If you answered 'No' to Question 3, then this question will not apply to you so please leave it blank.
Little or no partnership approach
Strong partnership approach
Clear selection
7.  If your child does receive learning support throughout a school year, would you like to see this recorded/noted on their end of year report? *
8. Please write any other comments you wish to share about Learning Support, that may be beneficial to reviewing our practise.
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