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1) The sum of all the four numbers -971, 1533- 29 and  X is zero . Then what should be the number X ?
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2) What is the difference between the smallest odd number of seven digits and the largest even number of six digits. ?
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3) Select the statement which is true ?
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4) The integer greater than -6 and less than -3 is
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5)     (+3) - (_5) =
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6) 0.231 -0.02 is equal to ........
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7) In plants gas exchange takes place through .....
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8) The pulse rate of a healthy person is
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9) The pericardium is a ......
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10)  One heart beat consists of ........
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11) Normal blood pleassure of a man
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12) Which is the instrument used to for examining the blood pressure ?
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13) Which art form is known as the king of arts
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14) Which among the following is Cancer day
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15) Who was the founder of Jainism ?
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16) Arthsastra was written by
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17) Which of the following include in private sector ?
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18) Britain : 10 Downing street.   Sreelanka : ...................
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19) In Kerala  Lion tailed Macaque are found in
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20) The first Mughal Emperor
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