DIY Project Questionnaire
Please fill this out to be possibly featured on We give preference to DIY projects with great photography and those with an easy step-by-step instructions. Email is required so we can contact you if we have any questions.
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Email *
Name (first and last) *
Choose 1 (one) post to be featured in. Fill out this form again if you want to be featured in another post. *
Link to the specific DIY Project you want featured *
Short Description (1-3 sentences only) *
Unique sentences (not same as your blog post) to describe why our readers would want to make your DIY project
Is this your own DIY project or purchased from a content creator? *
Certifications. Must check ALL 5 boxes to be considered. *
Confirmation -- Initials *
By entering your initials below, you are effectively providing your signature, indicating that all the information on this form are true and accurate.
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