Biking to Stratford Landing Safety Contract
Completing this form indicates your student is eligible to ride their bike, scooter or skateboard to and from school. No additional steps are needed. Thank you for your partnerships and help keeping our students safe! Students should practice CARES riding to and from school. 

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Name of Parent / Guardian *
Name of Student(one form per child)  *
Name of Teacher 
 We ask you view this safety video together as a family. *
Students in Grades 3 – 6 may ride bikes to Stratford Landing Elementary School. Students younger than 3rd grade may ride to school when accompanied by an adult. *
My student knows their route to and from Stratford Landing, and they understand where and how to lock their bikes. *
My student understands bike signals and that pedestrians always have the right away.   *
I have reviewed the bike safety video with my student. This video is relevant for Scooters and Skateboards and general safety should be followed. *
My student has a helmet and lock and knows how to correctly use the helmet (required for bikers, scooters and skateboarders). *
Our bicycle rules are important because we care about the safety of each child in our school. We encourage parents to work with their own children and the neighborhood children to promote bicycle safety. Those who choose to ride a bicycle, scooter or skateboard to school must agree to abide by our safety rules. A student may lose the privilege of riding to and from school. *
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