Financial Coaching with Sara Artemisia - Policies & Application
Hello! Thank you for your interest in doing abundance mindset and financial coaching work together.

Before completing this form, please review my philosophy and policies below to make sure we'd be a good fit to work together. It's important to me to make sure we're on the same page so you can get the most out of our time together.

1. In our work together, we'll create and implement a personalized plan to help you transform your experience with money so you can reach your financial goals.

2. Depending on your goals, we'll customize the work based on if you want to experience a shift on all three layers (pragmatic, emotional, and energetic), or just focus on creating a practical financial plan. This can include working on both shifting the inner belief patterns and outer pragmatic layers including spending, savings, retirement, and/or personal business development; with the understanding that they are not separate and in fact very connected.

3. Recognizing that people often have dysfunctional and self-sabotaging patterns with money, it can often be helpful to begin by clearing your inner financial blocks starting with your old money story and financial archetypes. If this is something you'd like to focus on in our work together, we'll transform your relationship with money so you can finally feel relaxed and aligned with money as an aspect of spacious abundance in your life.

4. My work with money is based in the understanding that we co-create our realities with the Universe and that we have a lot of power and choice in what we experience – that we are not victims.

5. As this is also a highly collaborative transformational process, clear communication is crucial to the success of our meetings.

6. This work is meant for you if you’re ready to take ownership of your life and explore deep questions, which includes listening to your inner guidance in the process of creating the life that you want.

7. PAYMENT POLICIES: Sessions are 60 minutes and the investment is $150 per session, with an average of 8 sessions total in our work together. To make a complete shift in your experience and relationship with money and also have a practical plan in place that you can successfully implement in an ongoing way moving forward, it typically takes 8 sessions to achieve these goals. However, if you only want to focus on creating a practical plan together, then our work will likely be closer to 4 sessions total (for ex: if you only want to focus on organizing your finances and creating a savings plan).

8. Pre-payment is required as soon as we schedule your first session to hold your appointment. You can either choose to do pay on a per-session basis or pay for the package of agreed-upon number of sessions upfront. We'll begin and end promptly at the scheduled time, so please make sure to log into the Zoom room a couple of minutes early. Thank you for your courtesy with this!

If my approach resonates with you, please fill out this form as fully as you can.

I will then be in touch to schedule an initial complimentary Q&A call to review your goals and make sure that we both feel it's a good fit to work together.

Thanks and Be Well,
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name & pronouns *
What are your current challenges with money? *
What are your financial goals? *
What is your current relationship with money like? *
What would your ideal relationship with money look and feel like? *
Which of the following areas are you interested in focusing on and shifting in your experience with money (please check all that apply): *
How did you learn about my work? (for ex: google, podcast, a friend) *
How ready and willing are you to take ownership of your experience in listening to your inner guidance and creating the life that you want? *
How ready and willing are you to collaborate with me and bring your own insights and awareness to each session? *
Is there anything else that would be helpful for me to know?
Checking "I AGREE" here indicates that you have reviewed and agreed with all the policies above. *
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