Little Cuda Cheer Spring Parents Night Out 
Drop your children off with the NSBHS cheerleading team and enjoy a parents night out! During the Little Cuda Cheer Spring Parents Night Out, the "little cudas" will learn cheers, play games, and have fun! All proceeds benefit the NSBHS sideline cheerleading programs! 

All participants in the Little Cuda Cheer Spring Parents Night Out are invited to cheer on the sidelines with the NSBHS Varsity and JV cheerleaders at the Spring game on Friday, May 24th. 

WHEN:  Thursday, May 23rd from 5:00 - 8:00pm
WHERE: NSBHS Cafeteria
WHO: Ages 3 - rising 8th grade *must be potty-trained*
COST: $30/child - includes pizza & t-shirt (if registered by Wednesday, May 15th)
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Child's First & Last Name  *
Child's Birth Date  *
Child's Age  *
Child's T-Shirt Size  *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number  *
Parent/Guardian Email Address  *
Will Your Child Be Cheering in the 1st Quarter Spring Game on May 24th?  *
Does your child have any allergies? If so, please list below.  *
How Will You be Submitting Payment?  *
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